Tuesday 7 April 2015

Things are changing

Well it's been a while since my last post and things are getting no easier. In fact they are getting a damn site worse. 
I now have a number of ulcers and the pain is now ruining my everyday life. 
I have recently changed rheumatologist and I am keeping my fingers crossed that things are going to improve although I know it isn't going to happen over night. 
I am now going to update the blog a couple of times a week so that you can follow the new journey with me and, I hope people will learn and have a lot better understanding of gout by reading it. 

Till later


Wednesday 28 May 2014


The weight of the duvet tonight is unbearable.
Sleeping with one foot sticking out of the bed so not only does the foot now throb its also cold.

Not good, not good at all.

Monday 26 May 2014


Do you believe in something higher, an afterlife, a creator of life?

I suppose what I am trying to say is are you religious, do you have a God? I can say I'm not big on the religious front but I do believe there is something or someone greater. With the kids being in brownies and guides we have been going to church a few times a year more than what we did.

If you suffer from gout do you ever, when alone quietly ask the three questions:
Why me?
Please make it stop.
Take me away from all of this please I can't take any more.

I must admit that in the past few months I have asked all three a number of times, especially at times like this. 2am in the morning and one joint or another screaming in pain with no way of getting comfortable and having to be up in less than five hours.

Just thought I'd ask the question as it makes you think.

Speak soon.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Relax, it's under control

Ok ok ok, I got complacent I admit it. I got into the routine of the water and the right foods and the attacks become a lot less severe and a lot less often, I was doing good.

Then I took a holiday!!!

You all know how things are on holiday, sunshine, warm weather and totally relaxed. One beer won't hurt, a glass of wine at the restaurant with my evening meal won't cause any issues if I carry on with the hydration and right food, and I was right they didn't .
It was the beers that followed, the glass of wine that turned into a bottle over an hour or two and the occasional burger and all the crap that goes with it.

The first signs started in the last few days of the holiday, "I can control this" I thought. How wrong was I?
The week we came back from holiday I had a relative who turned 21 and had the obligatory party with most of my family there, a lot of who I usually only see once maybe twice a year so a drink for the celebration then another reminiscing of the good old times when we were kids another one for the hell of it, a toast then another, then we went on shorts, after that is a bit of a blur, a bloody good night but a couple of days later I was paying for it. First in the feet then ankles then wrists and hands, I was in agony and I couldn't control the pain for love nor money.
I reverted to the lemon water to try and alkalise my system and this started to work, started to calm it down.
"Right this is it I'm gonna control this bastard once and for all, I can not carry on like this, it's bringing me down and it's bringing my family down too as we cant do anything together"


I was then sent away with work and I have spent the last four weeks staying in hotels eating the usual microwave shit that you get served, a drink with my evening meal, no lunch most days and doing at least 13 hours a day at work or driving. Average sleep of around five hours a night. All this only added up to one thing - a bad ass attack anytime and it came on Thursday night in the hotel.
My hand swelled up and I couldn't move my fingers. I had no lemons to do the alkalising drink so I had to revert to indometacin which I hate with a passion as it usually knocks me for six. I got to sleep around one to be up at five and in work for six as I planned an early finish as I knew the drive home on a Friday would be awful. 
I managed to get through the day not too bad but as the afternoon shift arrived at half one they greeted me with the news that they had just shut the motorway due to a bad accident. 
That was it, laptop shut and some back roads back north for around thirty miles where I could get on a clear motorway. The first part was ok but then for over 80 miles on the motorway I never once got into top gear. A three hour journey took me ten minutes short of six hours. I was a wreck, my hand was cramping up and I had a splitting head and was knackered. 
I have spent most of the weekend on the sofa with my hand either wrapped in ice or a heat pad.

Needless to say I am now hydrating properly and eating properly again, I will never deviate from this again. 
From now on it is a minimum of two litres of water a day, fresh cherries, celery and other alkalising foods, cut out the crap such as fizzy drinks and processed foods as a lot of this is very high in acidic ingredients. I did this for five months earlier this year and brought the number and severity of attacks right down, it's all about alkalising your body.
Lemons may sound daft as they are acidic but for some reason when in the body they turn alkaline, as yet no one is 100% sure how this happens but it does and it only happens with lemons and it works.
I have also been reading today that home made juices or smoothies made out of green vegetables such as broccoli and kale can also have an alkalising effect, this I may try though the thought of drinking a concoction made of this makes me want to puke but if it works I'll give it a whirl. 


Tuesday 5 March 2013

Screaming in silence!

Ok, I'm going to let you guys into a secret......
I came home from work tonight, sat on the edge of the bed and wept!
I don't mean the bucket loaded outright bawling, more the I've had enough and I can't take this shit no longer.

At this point you may think I'm referring to work but I'm not, I'm referring to the sheer agonising, searing pain that is in my left elbow at present.
If you read my last post on Sunday you may recall the start of an attack, well Monday morning I got up dressed and ready for work in not a lot f pain but a dull ache, that was until I got in the car and tried to change gear.. I got to the end of the road and had to turn back, I simply couldn't take it.
No problem as I signed on at home and got comfy for a day working at the dining room table, I had everything I needed, laptop, drinks, fruit and phones. Bid farewell to the kids and the other half as they set off for their day at school and work respectively. By this time it's 9am and the ache is turning painful so I thought nothing for it but painkillers. At this point I am a couple of days short of three weeks without the need of painkillers of any kind.

I took indometacin.

Ask anybody who takes this prescribed drug and it is the spawn of the devil himself. The first half hour I was fine and then I started to feel really nauseous. You may ask why them then? Simple, they're the only thing I've found which works.
I managed to complete a full day doing work and got a lot completed but I felt like shit until late into the evening.
Nothing else for it I had an early night but felt ok and the pain had dissipated. This morning I got up and drove to work no problem. Had lunch and then the ache started again, by half past three I was rubbing the elbow to try and ease the pain thinking only an hour and half to go.
At ten to five I got the call - meeting at five o'clock but don't worry it's just a quick ten minutes.
Ok I thought ten minutes but by this time this elbow is red and hurting like hell. The ten minute meeting finished at twenty past six.
I packed my things and drove home in silence which for me is rare as I love listening to the radio on the way home, it helps me to unwind, luckily the traffic was clear so not many gear changes needed.

By the time I walked in the house I had to be helped off with my jacket and the weight of the shirt sleeve on my elbow was agony. I hastily ate my evening meal in silence and came upstairs because I didn't want the kids to see me, I sat on the bed and wept.

Because someone isn't cased in plaster or using a wheelchair etc doesn't mean they're not physically hurting!!!!

I have suffered with this for over twenty years now and it has never ever got to me like today and the reason for this is because due to the change in diet etc over the past month I thought I had finally turned a corner as I hadn't had a bad attack then this comes along and pole axes me.

I still truly believe that I brought this on myself on Sunday as not having any fruit or anywhere near enough hydration but I will persist with my battle against the dreaded gout.

It may look as if the above is all one big moaning session and maybe it is but if more people are aware of gout the more we can understand.

As the saying goes 'you live and learn'


Sunday 3 March 2013

Getting to grasps

Ok. I think I'm finally getting my head around this gout thing.
I've had quite a good weekend, but now, this evening as I write this post I have a dull ache in my left elbow and from previous experience, that's one of the worst places for an attack not that there are any good places.
For the biggest part of today I have been out and admittedly my water intake has been very low and my caffeine intake quite high, gallons of tea and a couple or three shots of espresso courtesy of Mr Starbucks.
Too most the intake of caffeine may not seem a problem but there is an ongoing argument regarding this within gout circles at the moment. The current census is that if you are a regular coffee drinker then it does not have an effect on gout but if, like myself you only occasionally have coffee it can have an adverse effect and bring an attack on.
Now in the mainstay I drink tea which as you may or may not know when added to water has a much lower caffeine content than coffee and there lies my problem, my weakness is a the occasional cup of good quality ground coffee, I can't stand this instant shite (I also hear you ask then why do I drink Starbucks if I like quality coffee!!!) so today I had a double shot in a latte and a single shot espresso linked to the fact I've had very little water today and you go do the maths.

I've also had no bananas or cherries this weekend and through the week I have been going through these by the pound as they work magic in neutralising the acid in your body.
So looking back, I may be starting an attack but I have brought this on myself and from this I will learn. I am currently sat here on my third glass of water with the juice of one full lemon, one more to go before I go to sleep (it's recommended 4 glasses on the hour every hour each with the juice of one lemon)

So tonight I will read until my final glass and hope that that does the trick. Tomorrow we start phase two of the healthy eating, and that's to get rid of some weight, I am already feeling better but I think that if I can loose around half a stone or a little bit more then I will feel great.

Catch you all later in the week.


Wednesday 27 February 2013

Bring me sunshine

You all remember the finishing credits to Morecambe & Wise, the one where they dance off stage to the tune "bring me sunshine". Well that's how I feel at the moment.
As of tonight I am two full weeks without the need of pain killers, to say I'm happy about this is an understatement, I'm ecstatic. I nearly had a bit of a wobble in the early hours of this morning when I woke up with a pain in my ankle but with the help of a well placed warm wheat bag it was ok when I woke up.

Not only have I managed without prescription drugs but also the ones you can buy over the counter,you can not wipe the smile of my face. To add to todays happy mood I received a message from a friend who had just passed her driving theory test this morning, I was made up for her.

I've also noticed the weather is picking up and it staying lighter a bit later each evening. Great that means spring is finally on its way and I wont feel so bad about eating all this salad, not that I'm complaining a few sacrifices made and I'm feeling great, well when I say great I mean a lot better that what I have been doing this past twelve months or so.

Well only two more days to work then the lovely weekend is here so see you all then.
