Sunday 3 March 2013

Getting to grasps

Ok. I think I'm finally getting my head around this gout thing.
I've had quite a good weekend, but now, this evening as I write this post I have a dull ache in my left elbow and from previous experience, that's one of the worst places for an attack not that there are any good places.
For the biggest part of today I have been out and admittedly my water intake has been very low and my caffeine intake quite high, gallons of tea and a couple or three shots of espresso courtesy of Mr Starbucks.
Too most the intake of caffeine may not seem a problem but there is an ongoing argument regarding this within gout circles at the moment. The current census is that if you are a regular coffee drinker then it does not have an effect on gout but if, like myself you only occasionally have coffee it can have an adverse effect and bring an attack on.
Now in the mainstay I drink tea which as you may or may not know when added to water has a much lower caffeine content than coffee and there lies my problem, my weakness is a the occasional cup of good quality ground coffee, I can't stand this instant shite (I also hear you ask then why do I drink Starbucks if I like quality coffee!!!) so today I had a double shot in a latte and a single shot espresso linked to the fact I've had very little water today and you go do the maths.

I've also had no bananas or cherries this weekend and through the week I have been going through these by the pound as they work magic in neutralising the acid in your body.
So looking back, I may be starting an attack but I have brought this on myself and from this I will learn. I am currently sat here on my third glass of water with the juice of one full lemon, one more to go before I go to sleep (it's recommended 4 glasses on the hour every hour each with the juice of one lemon)

So tonight I will read until my final glass and hope that that does the trick. Tomorrow we start phase two of the healthy eating, and that's to get rid of some weight, I am already feeling better but I think that if I can loose around half a stone or a little bit more then I will feel great.

Catch you all later in the week.


1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the "testing" we all must go through - a hint though: coffee is an antioxidant (good, real coffee) which is GOOD . . . but it's also a diuretic - which is dehydrating - more coffee + no water = gout

    Eat those bananas and cherries and KILL IT Pete!
